Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2nd debate / My anger at conservatives

The second presidential debate happened tonight in a small town forum type setting, with Tom Brokaw as the moderator. Tonight's debate was, boring. I'll give the majority of people that. However, we can't blame anyone but Mr. Brokaw because as moderator, he screened all of the questions and was the one to choose the ones he found most relevant... and he moderated the forum more like a normal debate than a town hall kind of setting, so we saw the same old politics, and not as much of the dynamic we hoped to see.

that being said... my PERSONAL opinion is that McCain won this debate. Here are my reasons.

1. he was much stronger than in the first debate, taking issue with Obama more. He called out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, he called out Obama's lack of experience on foriegn policy really well, he even went after Obama's record of either voting to RAISE middle class taxes, or voting AGAINST tax cuts. He also pointed out that when Obama was running for senate, he promised to help cut the taxes of the middle class, and never ONCE brought it to the table once elected.

2. He made connections with the audience. He got right in their faces and talked directly to them. In once instance, a man named Terry asked a question towards the end of the forum, adding that he was in the military. McCain walked right up to him, placed his hand on his shoulder and thanked him for his service, Terry reached out to shake McCain's hand, and McCain shook back. Obama never once made that deep of a connection with the audience from what I could see.

3. McCain made more sense when he talked about his health insurance plans than Obama's government run health insurance.

4. McCain made a good point that you can handle more than one thing while you're in office... that it shouldn't be a focus on the economy, and THEN health care. He said you can't look at someone who is in need of good health care and say "Sorry, we'll get to you when we finish over here" as Obama basically suggested.

5. One sign that McCain was doing well, was that Obama became visibly flustered several times during the night, and couldn't help trying to break the rules to talk over McCain, or make a rebuttle when rebuttles weren't allowed. At one point he even got into an argument with McCain and Brokaw demanding the right to an rebuttle. So McCain snapped back... well if we're going to bend the rules for him... I want the same treatment in fairness.

6. unlike Obama, McCain ended the night with a "yes we can" high note. and that is good for the spirits, and since it was the last thing we heard, will be remembered more than anything else said in the debate.

so I believe hands down, McCain won. He was off to a really shaky start the first few minutes, missing a chance to knock Obama with Ayers... he really did pick it up to come out with a win.

Again, this is in my opinion.

now here is where I get to the second part of my blog. My anger at conservatives. According to the blogs and message boards I frequent... the majority of them do not seem to agree with me.

"McCain lost tonight."
"I give up. Obama is president. There's no hope."
"McCain failed so bad, there is no way he changed anyone's mind."
"McCain failed me. I'm not even going to bother voting."

in my opinion... you may as well vote Obama, because that's the guy you'll have succeeded in putting into office.

You can't blame bad politics, you can't blame left wingers coming out to vote more than they did other years, you can't blame McCain or the debates... It's you. Plain and simple... You.

If you don't vote... that's one less vote against Obama.

Let me put it in these terms. Lets say there are 13 people in this country. 5 are voting for McCain and 5 are voting for Obama and the three are undecided.

After the debates, lets say the one sways in Obama's favor, the other two still remain undecided, and the McCain base stay the same.

well, the McCain base start talking about defeat and how Obama's going to win, he's ahead by 1 vote, McCain did so bad in the debates, even those who didn't see the debates for themselves are listening to their group and hearing how bad he did.

a few who just can't stand the thought of Obama as president say they will remain for McCain simply out of principle.

2 say they're so disgusted they're not voting at all this election.

so 6 are definately voting for Obama, and now only 3 are voting for McCain. Even if the other 2 undecideds sway for Mccain, he'll still lose by 1 because of the defeatist attitudes of supposed conservatives who are suppose to be fighting the good fight and keeping a dangerous socialist out of office.

That is what gets me mad.

we obviously weren't watching the same debate because McCain pwned Obama hands down for the reasons I stated above. However, even if my opinion was like the others on the message boards, that McCain lost... I wouldn't sit there and say "Well I guess I'll have to leave the country. Obama won."

How did he win? If Conservatives stuck to their principles and got out and voted, there is still a great chance McCain could win the presidency... Bush fell behind Gore by several points throughout his campaign, and despite voter fraud on behalf of the democrats... he still pulled off a win... because of the unrelentless faith and persistance of the republican party.

When I'm in that voting booth, I'm going to make Damn sure my vote counts towards McCain, succeed or fail. I'm not going to sit home and be part of the problem, I'm going to fight all the way through for my candidate, even if he does lose to Obama.

This "poor us" attitude is LIBERAL. Not conservative, and I'm sick and tired of hearing the bitching going on in the conservative party about "poor us, Obama's going to win."

with that attitude, he will, and it will be thanks in part to you.

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