Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin Vs. Biden The night goes to Palin

The drive by media is going to tell you otherwise, especially PMSNBC... but the night really went to Palin.

She had things against her already. Interviews played and replayed and scrutinized by the drive by media to make her look stupid, words taken out of context, and a moderator, Ifull, who has a book coming out in January that praises Barack Obama, that is banking on him winning the presidency so her book can sell. The dems were underestimating her, her own supporters were doubting her. Things weren't looking good.

However, in typical Barracuda style, she pulled it off and viciously washed the floor with Biden, wrung him out and wiped the walls with him. This was obviously her victory.

She was charming
She had strong answers
She called out Biden on several issues.

Was she perfect? of course not... but she surprassed the expectations of even her toughest critics. (Even the ones who refuse to admit it.)

She also got in a couple of good zingers.

She went after Obama's Iraq policies and how he wants to put up the white flag of defeat and high tail it out of there with his tail between his legs.

she brought up how for a candidate of change and of the future, Biden talks very little about the future and what they'll accomplish because he's so busy attacking the past.

She countered Biden's attack of McCain's health care plan and laid it out in a way that was understandable, and made it sound way better than what Obama was offering.

She, unabashed, went after Obama for being Naive

She went after the drive by media in an off sort of way by simply saying she liked to talk to the American people in this forum where she could talk to them in her own words and not be edited by the media. (SLAM Katie Couric!)

Biden made several mistakes and/or all out lies. Here are 14

The only time Biden got someone emotional instead of his usual dry, droning self, was when he once again made mention of his family who died. This is a sad case, I know what it's like to lose loved ones, I lost 6 loved ones within months of each other... however, I would never use them as a political ploy for sympathy.

At least he didn't talk about the man who chose to drink his breakfast then drive and kill his family like he did during his campaign tour... because the investigation of that accident said the Driver was NOT drunk... and to make a story like that up, ruining a man's reputation and throwing his family into more turmoil than the accident originally caused them... it's sad. And using your family's death, making up stories about how they died, is even worse.

So hands down this night went to Palin.

The drive by keep saying it was Biden's because you know... he didn't say how Corn Syrup was more dangerous than Terrorists, or how FDR was on TV in 1662, or how he was shot down by terrorists in the middle of a war zone this past feburuary...

Since it was "Gaffe free"... it was Biden's win according to PMSNBC. Or it was a "draw" According to other liberal outlets.

But don't listen to them. Listen to the people. Online polls today that I've participated in are showing overwhelmingly that Palin was the winner, that she re-energized the campaign.

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