Friday, October 3, 2008

Obama is getting scarier and scarier. I may move out of the country

I've been seriously looking into other countries. I have friends in Canada and Japan.

the more I think about Obama in the white house, the more I seriously am starting to think we're in serious trouble.

I mean, think about it.

I've given you examples of the Hateful, Vile people that follow Obama.

Everyone has had to have heard of the strange little Obama choir by now

In my last blog I made you aware of an Obama Fraternity.

Now, the Dish Network has sold Channel 73 to Obama. it is now called the Obama channel, and plays an Obama message on a continuous loop 24 hours a day.

Hateful, angry people... A children's choir singing a song that almost sounds like a religious hymn dedicated to him... a 14 year old spewing Liberal talking points he probably doesn't even understand... now a 24 hour Television station playing "obama's message"?

Doesn't this ring scary to ANYONE else other than me?

You can't say "under god" when saying the pledge anymore... but they want kids to sing religious type songs to Obama. If you dare make a conservative movie, be prepared for a Hollywood downfall, but you can have a 24hour Obama station? How is the liberal mind so small they can't see how sick this is?

I'm making a donation to the Republican Party, and I'm leaving a message that I want it to be put towards purchasing commercial space at the movies. that'll show Obama up on his little stupid dish network station. Lol.

thankfully I don't have the DISH. I was thinking of getting it... now, not. thank god this happened before I made the switch to digital.

but still... isn't this just much? almost scary much? If Obama gets in office, I really FEAR for the future of America.

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