Friday, October 3, 2008

Some people think they're so smart, then they get Pwned.

Someone on another board posted, That Obama is going to win, no doubt in his mind because America is so broken thanks to George W. Bush that they could put a gerbil on the Dem ticket and it could beat the republicans.

Then he sighted America's problems as Economic Chaos, A Crumbling Economy, Bailouts, Greed, Deficit, Corruption, War on Terror, Subprime Morgage Scandal, Morgage foreclosers.

Here's where he get's pwned. (This is my answer which pretty much sums up other answers on the board as well.)

Economic Chaos. - caused by the Dems. (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac - watch this...)

A crumbling economy. - Wow like the dems had nothing to do with it - Watch This

Bailouts - Mostly caused by the Dems, bailout supported by the dems.

Greed - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac paid over $200million to partisan parties. The top recipiants? 1. Dodd. 2. Obama. 3. Kerry. 4. Franklin Raines (White house budget director under Clinton) 5. James Johnson an economic advisor for Barack Obama. (on and on)

Deficit - Not going to repeat myself

Corruption - not going to repeat myself

War on Terror - 1. Obama wants to surrendor and admit defeat when there is proof we're winning. If we leave now, we're only going to have to go back to pick up the peices we left. 2. Whose tougher on terror, those who believe it's a threat, or those who believe Corn Syrup and Coal in the air is a greater threat than terrorists?

Subprime mortgage scandal - Again, Fannie and Freddie all the Dems.

Mortgage Foreclosures- Fannie and Freddie

You forget...

The Dems have had control of Fannie and Freddie.

The Dems are the ones who said nothing was wrong with Fannie and Freddie

The Dems also voted for the war on terror and were all for going off to Iraq.

The Dems were pushing this bailout bill more than anyone

The Dems are just as corrupt as anyone else in government and they've proven as much with the fannie/freddie payouts, and refusing to admit there was a problem when they were warned in 2004.

The Dems have had control of the senate since 2004 and have done NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZILCH, ZERO, to do ANYTHING for our country in that time.

How will Obama be any different?

Again... Obama is followed by such hate... what can he accomplish other than dividing a country even more than it already is?

To say that the dems could put a gerbil on the ticket and it would beat the republicans, well

They put an empty suit on the ticket instead of a gerbil... and he's really not fairing as well as everyone expected. i'm still not seeing an Obama nation next year.

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