Friday, October 3, 2008

Review of "An american Carol"

Liberal Americans today always hate the truth, so they will dislike this movie.

the truth is, if it wasn't for brave men and women, like the ones who serve our country today, American would have been under the control of dictators like Hitler, Slaves wouldn't have been free, We wouldn't even be America for crying out loud. We'd still be under British control.

Peace, love and signed resolutions wouldn't have helped us then, just as they don't help us against terrorists now either.

You will not get this movie if you are 2 things.

1. liberal
2. uneducated about past and present politics, and not just the politics of the side you support, of both sides of the issues. This is more of an intellectual comedy with a few references you won't get if you are not politically savvy.

This movie is entertaining and truthful, and of course the liberals are going to knock it up and down from now until next year because it dare calls them out on their years of anti-american propoganda.

I still think Bill O'Reilly as himself, and Kelsey Grammer as Patton, stole the show. Kudos to them! Although, the Mindless Zombie ACLU were very close to show stealing. lol!!

I still am amazed at how much Kevin Farley resembles his late brother Chris Farley. (Ah Beverly Hills Ninja... how I miss thee.) he did a fantastic job. I guess comedic acting runs in the family.

I really liked John Voight as George Washington, I only wish he had more on screen time. he's a very good actor. and the cameo from John O'Hurley and Kevin Sorbo! yay!

as long as you're not a libretard, go see this movie! **** out of 5 stars from me!

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