Thursday, October 9, 2008

Don't Diss the Nobama

There is a discussion on another board about an alleged inncodent where a member of the audience at a McCain/Palin rally called Obama a terrorist and said "kill him". (there is no video or audio of this, so I'm not 100% sure the whole "Kill him" part is even true.)

the "obama" campaign and supporters are saying McCain is inciting this hate, and has rebuked him for not denouncing such behavoir. They are all saying this behavior should reflect on the McCain Campaign.

1. this was supposedly done at a rally. how does anyone know the one person they said shouted "Kill him" was heard by anyone other than those in his immediate vacinity? So how was McCain suppose to denounce it if he didn't personally hear it?

2. how should the actions of random people in an audience reflect on McCain? We're not suppose to let Obama's 20 year friendship and devotion to the racist and hateful Rev. Wright reflect on Obama, nor are we suppose to allow the association with Terrorist Ayers who, to this day, remains unrepentive and wishes he could bomb more federal buildings... Obama knowing this (and you have to be a naive moron to believe otherwise). And don't you dare let the support of a man who called himself "black hitler" refered to hitler as a great unifyer and Obama the Messiah be reflected on Obama.

However... because one moron in the audience said something stupid... everyone should jump on McCain and associate that one moron with him, saying McCain was INCITING this kind of hate??

3. It is a very disgusting to say "kill him", and the person who said it should be ashamed. that is stooping lower that a conservative should allow themselves to go, and it completely goes against what the party stands for. You can disagree with a person's politics, be worried about his associations and what that will do to the american people if he's in office, but that is NO reason to wish physical harm on anyone. I don't want people to threaten harm to McCain and Palin... So I can't agree with anyone who would do that to someone else, no matter how I despise his politics.

however, that being said...

They are crying that McCain has not come out against that remark.

McCain should come out against that remark when

Obama comes out against Sandra Burnhardt's joke about extreme violence against Palin, amongst other foul jokes.

When Obama stops this "I didn't know about people I knew and associated with" crap and denounce Rev. Wrights white hating speeches and US of KKK remarks.

When Obama comes out and denounces the supporters who threated violent racial wars if Obama is not elected.

When Obama comes out and denoucnes supporters who have called Palin's 17 year old daughter a whore, and Palin an uneducated slut.

When Obama comes out and denounces all of the negativity and hate and vileness HE has indited on HIS side from supporters, AND associates/friends... then I will call for McCain to denounce the morons on our side who have stooped to the level of a liberal.

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