Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A list of Obama supporters, doesn't this worry ANYONE else??

Let me give you a list of people who support Obama. A list of the type of people who will be running our country if he is president.

1. Rev. Wright. Dismiss him as you will, but for 20 years, 2 baptisms and 1 marriage you are telling me he has never talked about hating whites and the US of KKK until Obama started running for President?

2. Ayres. Dismiss HIM all you want, however, Ayers was a member of the nine-member board of the Woods Fund of Chicago for which Obama served WITH him for a short time, he is also an avid Obama supporter... and he's a convicted terrorist. Convicted, unremorseful, who... today... only regrets not doing more bombings.

3. Farrahkan. This man who is very vocally and unashamedly anti-white and anti-jew. And for being so liberal... he's also homophobic. He once called Hitler a great man, and accepted the nickname of "Black Hitler".

4. Left Hollywood. These people, most of whom dropped out of high school to act, now think they are masters of political science. They believe they have more right than the rest of us to spew their hate simply because they have a forum.

The things that come out of their mouths is so vile and hateful, Like Celebutard Lindsay Lohan. This girl doesn't know if she's straight or Gay, she's been in and out of rehab, she's been caught with coke how many times... and SHE thinks she's going to knock on Sarah Palin??

Or Ashley Judd going on about Roe V. Wade like she has a clue about what's going on in the world today. 1st. If it wasn't over turned (sadly) in the Bush administration... its not going to get over turned now. People want to get re-elected more than they want to stand up for something as unpopular as being pro-life.

2nd... pro-choice is not the only belief system Ashley!! There are women *GASP* Who are pro-life!! Also... Yes McCain is anti-abortion... HOWEVER he does support a stipulation to protect women who are victims of rape or incest, or have a medical emergency, despite what Obama spins.

3rd... say what you like about Abortion... Infanticide is murder. Pro-Choice and Pro-lifers all agree that you can consider a baby a "life" when it is viable outside of the womb. Obama rejected a measure, FOUR TIMES, to give medical attention to babies that were aborted, but survived, and are now living, breathing, and thriving OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB. He would rather put them in a room to die a slow death than to give them life saving medical attention, claiming that giving medical attention to a baby that survived an abortion, that is alive, that has now ended the mother's choice because it is outside of the womb... could overturn Roe V Wade. HUH?! Not only were there stipulations in the infant protection act that would not allow for that, but it's still a baby, and once the baby is outside of the womb, it's a life by all standards no matter what side of the board you're on... and to let it die, for ANY reason, is murder.

5. There is a dive bar in Chicago. The husband of the owner painted a NAKED picture of Palin on the wall... USING HIS DAUGHTER AS THE NUDE MODEL. HIS DAUGHTER. It's Disgusting on so many levels... they're reportedly OBAMA Supporters!!

6. African-American Obama supporters around the country are saying they are planning a racial riot (remember Rodney King? The whole Standing up against racism while they robbed and stole from black, asian and white alike?) These liberals who are so anti-war, anti-violence, pro-peace, pro-equality, are claiming they are going to start a RACE WAR if he's not elected.

7. People who keep saying over and over how articulate and black Obama is, but can't name a single accomplishment.

8. I had a person today when I was taking surveys for the Republican Party in my area, that she didn't care if he never took a single vote in his life when I told her he missed more votes in 3 years than McCain missed in 21, and for half of his career in the Illinois state senate he voted "no opinion" because yes or no was too hard.

She wouldn't give a reason she was voting for Obama, other than Roe V Wade, like that's the only issue our country is facing. While 2 of us tried to explain our points of view, calmly... she was screaming and ranting and repeating the same thing over and over, demanding to know what our education level was, insulting us, insulting Bush, insulting Palin, Insulting McCain, and screaming and ranting and just an angry, angry, ANGRY person.

A person who knows nothing more about Obama other than he's pro Roe V Wade, and when you tell her researched FACTS that she herself can look up by something as simple as going to a government run site and looking up Obama's voting records. however, when faced with these truths, she called them Republican lies fed by the McCain party.

Even when I told her she could go to youtube and see Obama speaking these things in his own words, these supposed Conservative lies coming from his own mouth... she still continued to hate on. SHE is the type of person Obama attracts.

These are just a handful of names of people who fall behind Obama. I could go on for days though... but these names are an example of the type of people that follow Obama.



As for "Roe V. Wade"

Norma Leah McCorvey (née Nelson born September 22, 1947, in Simmesport, Louisiana) is best known as the legal pseudonym "Jane Roe" in the landmark Roe v. Wade lawsuit in 1973.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that abortion is a Constitutional right, overturning individual states' laws against abortion.

Years later she recanted her support of abortion.

On January 22, 2008, McCorvey endorsed Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul. McCorvey stated, "I support Ron Paul for president because we share the same goal, that of overturning Roe v. Wade. He has never wavered on the issue of being pro-life and has a voting record to prove it. He understands the importance of civil liberties for all, including the unborn.

So Roe, of Roe V Wade is PRO-LIFE! Little fact check for you. She now believes all life is precious, even at conception.

But yes... these are the types of people who are voting for Obama.

Those who are unashamed to say they hate whites, those who have pictures of them smiling as they stand on a crumpled American flag, those who threaten racial violence if Obama is not elected, those who would have their own daughter pose NUDE for them so they can paint a vile picture of Palin, those who call Palin out of her name SIMPLY because they don't like her politics.

Liberals say they're all for free speech and peace and love thy neighbor and enjoying everyone's differences... yet the cruel, vile things they say about another human being SIMPLY because she has other political beliefs than they do... Even if she's the nicest woman with a spotless record and less controversy than your high school's principal...

THESE are the kinds of people supporting Obama.

Doesn't that worry ANYONE else? Isn't anyone worried about a man who is able to draw up that much hate, bitterness and anger in people?

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Could not agree with you more! My son has friends whose parents vote Dem. They are nice, so there is one family anyway.

Great blog! Why aren't you on any blogger networks yet?