Friday, September 26, 2008

Campaign suspension over

McCain has agreed to go on with the debate tonight as was previously agreed upon. Everyone is claiming that this was a "stunt" by McCain to get out of the debate. Here's my opinion on all of that stupidity.

Let's start with Bill Clinton weighing in on it.

Earlier today, Mr. Clinton gave a wide berth to Mr. McCain for wanting to postpone the first presidential debate, scheduled for Friday.

"We know he didn’t do it because he’s afraid, because Sen. McCain wanted more debates," Mr. Clinton said on "Good Morning America"

"You can put it off a few days," Mr. Clinton added, ceding that "the problem is it's hard to reschedule those things." He said of Mr. McCain: "I presume he did that in good faith since I know he wanted - I remember he asked for more debates to go all around the country, and so I don't think we ought to overly parse that."

McCain actually asked for, I believe it was 10 debates... Obama said no until he finally agreed to 4 very particular ones, ones where he could use his beloved teleprompter, the first of which was suppose to be Friday. So in an off handed way, Clinton was saying... McCain isn't pulling a fast one.

Call it what you want. we're in an economic crisis, everyone knows that. I'd rather see them working on a solution rather than hearing either of them spew about what they COULD do and MAY do SHOULD they become president.

I don't need to hear a presidential cat fight while our country is trying to work out a problem. So Hail Mary pass or not, I'm glad McCain suspended the campaign to take care of this issue, and I'm a bit shocked Obama's first response was "uh, screw the country's economic issue. We need to get this debate on". lol, well not in those words but I felt that he cared more about the debate and making McCain look bad than agreeing to help find a bipartisan way of solving our current issue.

Someone said to me... "So should A soldier serving in Iraq be able to ask if he or she can "suspend" their service or "delay" going out on patrol while Congress negotiates a piece of legislation?

How does that apply In this case? A soldier isn't a congress man.

You're saying you'd rather SENATOR Mccain and SENATOR Obama go on with their debates, catfighting, name calling and promises while our economy is crashing?

They are still senators and as senators they should be part of the solution when duty calls. Just like a Soldier is a soldier and needs to be there when duty calls.

Some say this was a big mistake on McCain's part, and that this was an error he'll regret.


I don't think McCain erred at all.

1. Our country is in a crisis. A debate is just for bickering back and forth on promises that won't be kept by either side and a way to make the other side look stupid (though Biden is doing a good enough job for Obama on his own, although he's making the wrong side look stupid... but I digress.)

I don't need to hear empty promises, bickering and debates on whose wife is more attractive. What I need is to see action, and the action I want to see right now this very moment is working on this economic crisis.

The reason this is important to me is because I'm selling my house and I'm moving. Banks aren't giving loans out right now, and that means people aren't buying, so I can't go out and look to buy if my house won't sell.

2. I think the one who erred in this was Obama. Like I said, we're at the brink of what could be another great depression, we're in a major crisis, and his focus is on debating and trying to make his opponent look bad. He said "no" to suspending politics until they can work something out, he said "no" to suspending the debate.

This man who missed more key votes in 3 years than McCain missed in 21 years.
This man who voted "present" over 130 times because yes or no was too hard for him.

This man was refusing to suspend politics and work out our economic crisis, and would not put aside the debate and bipartisanship to help out when needed.

That is what those who are on the fence are seeing right now. One man willing to look bad and "Scared" by backing down and doing his job, and another man who is win at all costs, even if it's at America's expense.

And Perhaps McCain's plans are faulty, or people won't like what he has to say... problem for Obama, at least he's been saying SOMETHING. Even Jay Leno had to joke... "the Republicans would go after Obama's plan, but they don't know what it is yet."

This is the guy who had to have a press conference that he wasn't going to have a press conference to discuss plans about making plans for plans.

And as far as I know...

McCain never said he wanted to forget this debate all together. he said he wanted to postpone it till a later date. People act as if he wanted to back out of it completely. All he said was, let's do it another time and focus on this cause our country is in a bit of a pickle at the moment, and now isn't the time for self interest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As much as I'm looking forward to the debate, I completely agreed with McCain's decision to POSTPONE not cancel the debate. It's also the sign of a wise man to not go back up to the hill and start interjecting his "two cents" when he hasn't been on the scene for a good while. Instead, McCain showed presidential qualities to gather necessary information by hearing and observing. He wasn't running, there was no panic in his actions, he didn't try to make his return to DC a dog and pony show...he's a man that believes first things must come first...he really is a man who would rather lose an election than lose a war.
I'm glad to hear the debate is going to go forward, but I respect and admire a man who is willing to take the heat even if they didn't.