Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama Building a Bridge to nowhere

Let's cover this whole bridge to nowhere thing that Obama keeps bringing up.

Here's what the deal was - that is public record.

What are they talking about? The Ketchikan’s Gravina Island bridge in Alaska.

Why do they say she was for it before she was against it? Because she supported the bridge, then as govenor, she voted it down.

What they (the left) are not telling you....

She did not vote it down because it was an unpopular issue with voters.

She was actually for the bridge in the EARLY STAGES. As things went along, the project became too costly and full of pork barrel costs that weren't in the original proposal.

When the project became something it wasn't suppose to be, she voted down the project.

In fact... Biden AND Obama voted FOR this bridge to nowhere. It was Palin that shut it down to keep it from happening.

What's really sad is, Obama, who again, voted FOR a $329 MILLION dollar bridge to nowhere, keeps pounding on the fact that she was for the bridge before she was against it and calling her a flip flopper, without giving the full information.

She was for the bridge in the earlier stages when it wasn't going to cost $329 million, and when it got out of hand, she shot the project down, unlike Obama and Biden who were STILL FOR it.

What's even sadder is, instead of researching the project to find out the truth, the liberal left keep pounding on the half truth Obama brought up. Thankfully, there are still some out there who do their research and have found the truth that I just told you.

Yes she was for the project... but she stopped it when it got out of hand... unlike Obama who was still all for it.

End of story.

Is there any particular reason Obama keeps fighting the vice president instead of sticking to actual issues, and debating with his presidental opponent? Does Palin scare him that much?

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