Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To the left...

Every day you show your true colors, and they aren't red, White and Blue.

You claim your pro-woman, you believe in equality, that women have the right to be mothers and professional working women and you praise a woman who has made something of herself.

When faced with a strong, family woman with a good career, she suddenly needs to be home in the kitchen taking care of her family while her husband goes to earn the bread because she is conservative. If Hillary Clinton was in the same position as Sarah Palin, do you think anyone would have the balls to talk to HER like that?

Don't be mad at Palin because the conservatives had the guts to put a woman on the ticket when your own man couldn't bare to pick Hillary as his VP even though he could have won the presidency in a landslide, instead opting for a pliagerizer who tells crippled men to rise up to their feet.

Here are the left's comments as to why Sarah Palin would be damaging to America.

WTF, is the attraction to McCain/Palin! Besides the hilarious fact that Palin is running around with McCain's arms hanging out of her ass!!! Let's see teleprompter compared to rhetoric speeches, speeches & Obama attacks written by Bush buddies, failure to do interviews? She may have been govenor of the state of Alaska, but this is the United States, once one of the most powerful countries in the world. A bible thumping fake christian, moose killing, Captain Morgan babysitting her 17yr old pregnant daughter, whose already had a down syndrome baby, whose mother is as crooked and fake as a 6 dollar bill, use my family and lie to the american women to get their vote is too much of a risk! Bin Laden is waiting and will take them both down!!!! Hillary is a force to be reckoned with, Palin is "piss poor politics".


You should have asked him (McCain) why he hates us all enough to hand the nuclear codes to a caustic, sophomoric, incompetent religious whack job criminal like Sarah Palin.


Proving himself to be one of the most despicable and unethical candidates to come out of the RNC. (This is in comment to McCain not responding to TMZ photog asking if Palin would be a good *inaudible* for Nova Scotia (canada) Because he didn't answer that retarded question, he proved he's despicable and unethical.)


total agree lol she is so fake OMG wow its sarah watever who cares abt her kids we aint like aww she have kids wow she aint even talk abt da world and she have no right and i dont give a d**M abt dat i think LL have a point i cant belive she stood up go gurl and OMABAM RULZ da frist black prest 2 be


They're very educated, well thought out, coherent arguments against Palin would be equal to me walking up to some random guy on the street I didn't take the time to get to know and saying...

"You're a sexist, communist pig who should be locked away in some prison cell for being so stupid. You can't even take care of yourself. look at you, you are actually scary. No way I'd date a loser like you" Perhaps laced with profanity like most of the left use when "making a point"...

Then walking away.

That's all it is. Personal attacks, no facts to back up what they say... they just go off at the mouth and say whatever comes to their mind.

Palin has a record to back up everything she has done.

What about Obama?

once again...

since 2005 he voted "Present" 150+ times to key issues meaning "I'm here, but I have no opinion."

In 3 years he missed MORE votes than McCain missed in 21. He also missed more votes than Hillary did in 7 years.

How does a candidate of change miss more votes in 3 years than someone in 7 or 21?
How does a candidate of change vote Present over 150 times instead of having an opinion.

Also... even obama's supporters can't name one damn accomplishment this man has EVER made.

what about his stance on Abortion.

Ask Obama why he suddenly has taken a much more softer stance on the abortion issue lately than he had in the past being such a hardcore pro-choicer that he was FOR making it legal to smother a child born alive after an abortion attempt to death.

Suddenly he's for the right to prohibit abortion, as long as there is a medical necessity clause.

How about asking your hero why he's getting soft on you on the ONE issue you hold dear to your hearts.

So to the far left trying to make a point...

Point taken.

You're idiots.

And trust me, I'm not personally attacking you... you guys have given us MORE than enough evidence to back that claim up. lol.

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