Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama's Abortion Stance

Further proof to those who say I'm "full of it" when I said that Obama was for the killing of children born alive after a botched abortion attempt.

I firmly believe Abortion is murder, that life begins at conception, or at the very least, by the time a woman finds out she is pregnant (and usually she finds out after the development of more human features, the start of the heartbeat, and the growth of vital organs needed to live. To me, that's signs of life.)

But say what you will about Abortion...

it IS murder to kill a child that is surviving outside of the womb.

The woman's choice is over, it is no longer a part of her body. It is a child living freely on it's own. Besides, all pro-choicers do agree that if a child is born and it's alive, life has started.

To kill the child living out of a woman's womb... is murder.

Obama refused to support a measure to protect these children BORN alive, from being left to die, or smothered to death. In fact he was a supporter of just the opposite.

He was for murder.

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