Saturday, September 13, 2008

Boycott Randi Rhodes Sponsors!!!

Randi Rhodes is at it again.

Just when I reported to you her traitorist words saying McCain was treated well by the Vietnamese, despite his weighing about 98 pounds, premature grey hair and untreated broken bones that caused issues still evident today.

Now she is making slanderous comments against Palin.

There comes a time when people have to say... "there's freedom of speech, then there is going to far."

here's what she said.

She’s the woman who shows up at the kid’s birthday party and starts opining about everything from politics to lawn care. This is the woman that knows it all. Will shout you down, will get revenge on you. That’s who she is.

She’s friends with all the teenage boys. You have to say no when your kids say, ‘can we sleep over at the Palin’s? No! NO!’

People need to start looking into who sponsers the show, and threaten these sponsers with boycotts if they continue to advertise on her show after this!!

I mean... THESE are the type of people who support Obama. THESE are the type of people we want deciding the fate of our country?

Not for me, no thank you!

BOYCOTT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Carolyn said...

Hi! Hey, could you tell me who those sponsors are? I totally agree with you on this and letters should most likely be written!

anne onee mus said...

Done and done. just check my newest update!

Carolyn said...

Thanks, these companies will never again get my business, which is sort of a bummer cuz' I like Mary Kay, but, hey, willing to sacrifice!

anne onee mus said...

I know. I liked Mary Kay myself.

But I let them know exactly WHY They would never get my business again.

Don't forget to let them know! ^_^