Saturday, September 6, 2008

Who is Sarah Palin?

People say Palin is too much of a wild card. They say she was only picked to entice Hillary Supporters. They attack McCain's decision because they know nothing about her.

Here are things I've learned about her in these few short days, that I feel are important to remember.

1. She has an 80% approval rating in her district. My Govenor's approval rating is only 42% even though he's popular enough to get re-elected each year. In a little podunk town of 100 people, it is near impossible for an elected official to get a high approval rating. (As they say, you can't please everyone), so for Palin to get 80+%... it is no small feat.

2. Palin did a lot of great work in Alaska as a govenor who wasn't afraid to stand with her party, and against her party for the good of the people.

3. She understands the working class, she understands families who face trials and tribulations, who struggle for what they have, she understands small business owners and the troubles they face. She understands and supports unions being a former union member herself. She is sympathetic towards the trials, tribulations, and love of family.

4. Palin has done many good things while in office.

Palin has strongly promoted oil and natural gas resource development in Alaska, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, (ANWR), where such development has been the subject of a national debate.

She also helped pass a tax increase on oil company profits. Palin has followed through on plans to create a new sub-cabinet group of advisers to address Climate Change and reduce greenhouse emissions within Alaska.

She also followed through on a campaign promise to sell the Westwind II jet purchased (on a state government credit account, against the wishes of the Legislature) by the Murkowski administration for $2.7 million in 2005. In August 2007 the jet was listed on eBay, though with no buyer found, it was later sold for $2.1 million through a private brokerage firm.

5. Palin is a Proud mother who is inspired by her children. She is the type of woman who will always put them first in her life. Despite her daughter's pregnancy, she stands by her daughter and will be there for her. She knew life would be different and harder with a child with down syndrome, but she chose life and unconditionally loves her precious baby boy. She is also a working mother like the Nancy Pelosi's and the Michelle Obama's of the world... and has proven she can juggle a hectic family life, going through the same trials and tribulations any family has to go through, and be an effective member of elected society.

6. She is not afraid of tough questions, and is straight forward with answers, even when those questions are rude and demeaning. She is not afraid to bare her teeth and fight for what she believes.

7. She has shown grace under fire from the liberal media when she was attacked about giving birth to her child, and as her daughter was dragged through the mud in the attempts to make her look like an unfit parent.

Grace under pressure, a loving wife and mother, tough politician, a fighter and no nonsense for the betterment of the people, a get it done woman...


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