Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm a Right wing Whacko I guess

I just received an email from an obama supporter that states:

could you please research the differences between the two presidental canidates, instead of listening to the media i will give you a web link so you can understand

Why exactly would I listen to the media? These same people whose best argument for Obama is that he's the first serious black presidential candidate? CNN, CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC are all liberal stations. All I have is Fox, and I don't even watch that too often anymore since I've been very busy.

And forget other outlets like US Weekly, the New York Times and Reuters.

Just because the left are full of people who can't make decisions without Chris Matthews holding their hand, does not mean everyone is the same way.

If you want to talk statistics... let us talk statistics.


Obama voted for a pork barrel energy bill that would have costed millions. This was a bill that was set by Bush himself. So Obama voted WITH Bush. McCain voted no.

Obama voted in March to raise the tax on families with an earned income of $35,000 annually. That wouldn't be a big deal if it was for a single person with no family to worry about. However, for a married couple with children, this was a bit of a scare.

When it comes to America... Obama voted no to amend title 4 United States Code, to declare English as the national language of the United States and to promote the patriotic integration of prospective US citizens. In otherwords, people can come to our country and we should accomodate them by learning THEIR Langauge, instead of having them come to our country and learn to communicate with US in OUR language. Cause you know... other countries would do the same for us. Luckily, McCain voted Yes, and the bill passed. So English is suppose to be the official language of America.

Obama voted FOR giving medicare and welfare assistance to non-citizens who come here ILLEGALLY. McCain voted No.


These are just examples.

Am I saying McCain's record is perfect? No. In fact I am very upset that he voted against a bill that would prohibit illegal immigrents who commit serious and violent crimes like molestation, stalking, aggrivated assult and thefts, the ability to become legal citizens.

So people who come here breaking the law off the bat, that go on to commit violent crimes, we're ok with letting them become US Citizens?

While I am not happy with McCain on this one... Obama ALSO Voted AGAINST the bill to keep violent criminals who are here illegally from gaining citizenship.

However, that said... McCain's record is better than Obama's when it comes to voting for the betterment of the people, even if it meant standing up to his own party. Obama only does what he can do to move up in the food chain sort of speak. Even if it is not for the betterment of the people.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I linked to you on my site! You have a great blog. Go to and register with them. You will get more hits and people who agree with our viewpoint! Here's to a great election season!