Saturday, September 6, 2008

Liberals Amuse me Part 2

Obama claims businesses should be taxed over "the poor to middle classes". (Even though he voted to RAISE the taxes of the middle to lower middle class in March.)

Well... who will be the ones paying at the stores when his taxes on big and small businesses alike go into effect?

Obama claims he will take from big oil and give back to us (ala Robin Hood), whose going to pay for that at the pumps when Big Oil tries to claim back what he took from them?

The left doesn't see that his plans are only going to do more harm than good.

Just like they buy into the whole "Pump up your tires, get regular tune ups and save us millions."

Oh we don't need off shore drilling, we just need to keep our tires pumped up. LOL!

Another thing that bothers me about the left... they're TOO optomistic.

Obama could be ahead in the polls by a few points... and the election is his.

He could be in a 50/50 tie and the election is leaning in his favor.

He could fall several points behind in the polls, and he's still the clear winner.

Even when he's losing, he's still ahead in the liberal mind.


here's another thing that makes me laugh. Liberal Protests.

how many conservative protesters did you see disrupting the democratic national convention?

In fact... there were protests... but no one knew who they were.

They were passing out anti-bush flyers, and holding signs protesting going to war with Iran and stating that those here ILLEGALLY weren't criminals (even though most of the recent murders, rapes and robberies were done by illegals.) but I digress.

These are liberal issues...which means, liberals weren't smart enough to know they were PROTESTING THEIR OWN CONVENTION!!!

This is why you didn't hear about it on the drive by media.

But anyway.

Lets fast forward to the Republican National Convention.

You have this delirious left wing nut case tearing at her clothes, trying to push her way to the stage like she wants to physically attack McCain, fighting back against security, then throwing her hands up in peace signs as she is dragged out.


You tried to push your way towards McCain as if you wanted to assult him, you fought with the security, and you're flashing the PEACE sign?!?!

are you HIGH?!

What happened to peace, love, rising above adversity, freedom of speech and tollerance of other people's beliefs and opinions?

Is that only for robotic sheeple who think like you? Come on!

They do not realize how stupid they look, and how much of an embarrasement they are to their family, friends, themselves and their party affiliation.

I know we have them in every party, Right, Left, Green...

but why does it seem the left are soaking in idiots?

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