Saturday, September 27, 2008

Personal opinion on the Debates (Friday 9/26/08)

This is my personal thoughts on the debate having re-watched them late last night.

Obama was very combative, argumentative, rude and snide last night. And he kept trying to interrupt McCain hoping to throw him off his game.

This guy was so excited about interrupting McCain with his "I got a bracelet too.. neener neener boo boo" 5-year-old moment, that HE COULDN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE SOLDIER HE WAS WEARING IT FOR!! It was so noticable.

And McCain was polite enough to call Obama Senator Obama, even though I'm sure he had a few choice names for him in the back of his mind...

Obama kept calling Senator McCain, his Senior who has been in office decades longer, "John".

It's disrespectful, and he lost quite a few votes of my friends who are stanch democrats (And when I say Democrats I mean the kind I've had all out drag down yelling matches with during election season because of differences in opinions. LOL)...

They weren't quite sure about Obama, but were leaning his way because they always voted Democrat and believe in Democrat idealisms (Another thing we argue over, yet somehow are able to remain friends. LOL). Now they won't vote for him. Out of the 5 friends I talked to afterwards, they all said the same thing I did.

He acted childish, the bracelet thing disturbed them, he was argumentative and always trying to interrupt, and it's just plain rude to call Senator McCain "John" when he's being respectful enough to refer to you by your title. How can someone with such a lack of respect for someone who is your senior (in age and in rank)... be reliable enough to hold such a position that demands respect?

Some are voting McCain, 2 said they're not voting at all this year.

So I say this match goes to McCain, no matter what extremely obvious and unashemedly liberal leaning media outlets like CNN and PMSNBC might say.

Say what you will about Fox... being #1 in ratings means liberals and conservatives alike watch Fox over the other channels...

And at midnight (my time) last night, their Text voting poll showed McCain had won the debate in the eyes of viewers by 80 some %.

And yes it is legitimate because I sent in my text and 5 minutes later I got a confirmation thanking me for my text vote.

Other independent sources are also saying the majority of people (even those who support Obama) believe McCain won ("This round")

The new Zogby poll has McCain ahead of Obama. So we'll have to see how things go when Palin goes up against Mr. "President FDR went on Television in 1929 to discuss the stock market crash" on Thursday.

but my opinion, and the opinion of the friends and family I've talked to...

while McCain could have been a bit stronger... he still won hands down.

A Barack Obama supporter who thought Obama won said he proved he has the capcity to learn and absorb unlike "someone he knew".

My response?

for one, I don't want my president to LEARN and ABSORB ideas when we're in a crisis. I want him to KNOW and have the capability to come up with HIS OWN solutions and ideas. A man with EXPERIENCE wouldn't have to learn or absorb as he goes along. Am I saying a president shouldn't be open to new ideas and learning new solutions? No, they should, we all should continue learning and growing... but I want him to have the EXPERIENCE to know what to do when a split second decision is needed.

For another... how is he going to learn and absorb when, whenever he's called to duty he bitches about having to go (Like when asked to put aside his campaign to help with the economic crisis), doesn't show up (Which is how he's missed MORE votes in 3 short years than a man like McCain has missed in 21 years)... or votes "Present" because yes or no is to hard (Which he's done more often than given a yes or no answer.)

Anyone who thinks someone with a poor showing up to vote record, a "Present" voting record, and no actual accomplishments to speak of since he hasn't done anything accept work towards career advancement... anyone who thinks this type of person can be afforded on the job training...

you're an idiot.

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