Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain vs. Obama

The Differences between McCain And Obama


Is proud of his country
Admitted all along Iraq is better now that what it was
Is upfront and tells it like it is, even if it's not what you wanted to hear
Admits a timeline for withdrawl from Iraq is unrealistic
Wife Cindy is a humanitarian. Has been all of her life, continues to be with or without cameras
McCain has visited the troops frequently since the war started, as has his wife, and encourages them.


Acts like America was a bad place before he came along
Said from day 1 the insurgence would fail, then when faced with success would not admit things were good, then faced with tough questions, admits the insurgance is working. He wanted it to fail from day one.
Double talks to tell you what you want to hear, from he'll bring troops home in 3 months, to he doesn't believe in generic timetables, to he'll bring them home in 16 months. It changes evertime he talks.
Wife said she was never proud of America, (until her husband ran for president). So, she was never proud of her country of birth, ever, until people started supporting her husband? That will be our first lady? A woman ashamed of her country until now?
Obama only recently visited the troops, and he was most likely trying to dig up dirt to "prove how bad it is there" to prove his point to his supporters.

The biggest difference between McCain and Obama is, McCain has always loved our country. Maybe he didn't always agree with those running the country, but he never lost faith or hope in our country, never talked bad about our country, never said he wasn't proud of America. In fact, he almost gave his life for us in the torture chambers of Hanoi.

Obama never even went to bootcamp for a day, he couldn't even visit wounded soldiers in Germany when he found out cameras were not allowed. No photo op. Sure he came up with a lame excuse as to why he couldn't go... but really...

with all that our troops have given up for us, is there any excuse to stiff them? not in my eyes.

One more difference, Obama used his entire speech at the democratic convention to brow beat McCain and insult him personally and politically.

McCain was very nice to Obama, pointing out issue differences, but being complimentary as well. He stuck more to the issues and didn't focus much on Obama personally.

Those are the differences between Obama and McCain.

One is a whiner who thinks America is going to be a bad place without him as president, his wife was never proud of America and will probably go back to not being proud of America if her husband loses, and he's a double talker.

One is a winner who sacrificed a lot for his country, gave America many years of honest, solid service, is proud of his country and proud of our troops, and tells it like it is even if it's not something we want to hear.

I know which one I am choosing.

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