Saturday, September 6, 2008

Palin Baby Daddy Scandal?

Of course, Liberals are attacking Palin from all ends about her 17-year-old daughter Bristol being pregnant, which goes against her "abstinence only" beliefs.

These same liberals who celebrate single mothers who work outside of the home, and "Don't need no man's help."

These same liberals who came to the defense of Jamie Lynn Spears, the 16-year-old idol of tweens, making her sound like mother of the year.

They say the "right are hypocrits if they support Palin despite her daughter."

Why? How is it hypocritical? Supporting Palin doesn't mean we admire, like, nor condone what her daughter did. Palin didn't push her daughter to get in bed, have sex, and get pregnant. In fact, she tried teaching her daughter just the opposite. DON'T have sex and you WON'T get pregnant. We don't have to condone what the daughter did just because we support Palin.

And what is wrong with Palin standing by her daughter simply because she believes in abstinence and her daughter is pregnant?

It is still her daughter. Do you want her to send her daughter to a half-way house? to disown her child for making a mistake so many teens are making?

And why is it hypocritical of Palin to promote abstinence now that her daughter is pregnant?

It is a proven FACT that if you are not ready for a child, whether mentally, physically or emotionally... then keep your legs closed.

It is a FACT that birth control is NOT 100% effective. Even the birth control manufactuers admit this.

Every day there is a case of someone passing on a sexually transmitted disease, despite the use of a condom.

Every day there is a case of a woman on the pill getting pregnant.

Did you know some medications make the pill ineffective?

Birth control is not 100% effective. so for those bashing people whose kids do not listen to them about remaining abstinent and get pregnant...

Pot meet kettle... cause you're way isn't working all that well either. With Sexual education such a focus in schools today, some schools going as far as passing out free samples of birth control and condoms, if sex ed was truly effective, teen pregnancy and STDs still wouldn't be such an issue.

Look at TV shows aimed at teens, music videos and even commercials like (Axe body spray) promoting sex, unprotected or otherwise. Look at how teen idols like Spears glorifies teen pregnancy. Unwed stars like Pitt and Jolie buying baby after baby from different countries and making child after child out of wedlock.

No matter how you teach safe sex, there is no guarantee kids will follow your teachings. This is a "me" generation, do what feels good, think about consequences later. They see how it is glorified, and try to emulate that lifestyle.

Whether you promote safe sex or no sex, many parents are faced with this issue. You can't be in the bedroom with your kids when they are having sex to make sure you put a condom on. You can not condemn a parent unless they send their kids off to have sex, or get them into prostitution.

There is nothing that says Palin is anything but a loving mother who wants what is best for her kids. This can not be blamed on her parenting. It is all on Bristol.

Had Bristol listened to her mom's teaching of abstinence, she would NOT be pregnant at this moment. Unlike Safe sex, abstinence is 100% fool proof. This is a situation where the side of abstinence can say "I told you so. If you waited till you were ready to be a mother, had a stable career, and a stable family (marriage), you wouldn't be in this situation."

Instead of condemning Palin for her beliefs, she should be praised for standing by her daughter despite the fact her daughter went against her personal beliefs and teachings. She should also be praised for standing by her beliefs despite her daughter's situation. Most daughters get sent to half-way houses in her situation. She chooses to stick up for her daughter, and stand by her, but still remain steadfast in her Abstinence only convictions. Her daughter is a good example of WHY one should remain abstinent.

She truly loves her children and is proud of them for all their good and all their faults. She is truly one of us, and is not above going through the same trials and tribulations any normal family may go through.

I'm not saying, DON'T teach safe sex, 'just in case', but for those who push ONLY safe sex... not exactly working according to the statistics of teen pregnancy and spread of STDs... now is it?

Since my earliest days in school I was taught safe sex, about "the pill" and about using condoms. Back then they also taught abstinence... and my parents taught me about abstinence at home. That my body was a temple men should worship, not to be used as a sex toy for their pleasure to be dumped later for a newer model.

I chose abstinence until marriage, and still my personal life has been fulfilling, active and fun. And the men I date have had no problem with my choices in life. Those that did were never worth my time anyway.

Unlike a co-worker who ended up having a daughter out of wedlock while ON "the pill", who now is a single mother... I have not had to worry about pregnancy or STDs.

So who is more foolish?

A parent who pushed abstinence, their child didn't listen and got pregnant, or the parents and schools ONLY pushed safe sex, even going as far as to put condoms in their hands, and still they got pregnant or an STD?

Again, Safe sex... not fool proof, Abstinence... 100% fool proof.

Teach both. since schools are pushing safe sex, passing out free condoms and teaching kids how to use them, make sure you talk to your kids about why abstinence is a good idea.

if you do this, then you've done everything you can to lead them in the right direction. From there you have to let the kids fall on their own, but support them when they need you, even if they screw up. Like Palin is doing right now with her daughter.

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