Friday, September 12, 2008

My "View" on the View.

I don't know why ABC's "The View" isn't retitled "The Liberal View with a token conservative."

They almost never let poor Elizabeth talk, and when they do, they talk over her so her point gets lost over their clucking.

And it's 4 to 1. It would be more fair if it was 2 liberals and 2 conservatives instead of 1 conservative and 4 people clucking at her so she can't make her point.

But I digress.

This is about today's "View" with John McCain.

It was embarrassing to watch supposed professionals act like spoiled children whose parents were making them play with the neighborhood kid everyone dislikes.

Barbara Walters was embarrasingly unprofessional.

She didn't look at him when she talked to him
When people clapped for his answer to faith and service, she didn't.
The distain on her face the whole time was painfully apparent.
Her body language was of sheer disgust the whole time.

It was extremely unprofessional and almost childish of her.

Woopie was no better. Normally, I love Woopie... but she went too far when she accusingly asked if McCain was going to bring judges of constitution interpretation who would interpret her back into slavery.

Not everything is about race anymore for crying out loud Woopie. Do you know why race is such an issue? Because the black community KEEP BRINGING IT UP! EVERYTHING is an assult on race whether it is or not. Like, if you don't vote for Obama, you're racist. It has nothing to do with the fact he's inexperienced, has a poor voting record compared to the likes of Hillary or McCain, he's voted for extreme measures some don't believe in like Late-term abortion, or that he double talks one group and tells them one thing, and tells another group another thing. It's just because he's HALF BLACK.

For crying out loud... If Bush didn't put you back into slavery, I highly doubt McCain who has voted against his party on many occassions, more often than Obama against his, is going to do it. Get over the race issue.

Just because Obama is black doesn't mean he will be any better for the black community.

Remember, he's living in his million dollar mansion while his half brother who he hasn't seen since he was 15, is in a shack in Africa probably starving tonight because he isn't properly fed.

Back to the McCain interview.

They kept throwing out stupid questions at McCain like that... yet when he tried to answer, they wouldn't allow him to speak. They kept talking over him like bickering, bitter ex girlfriends.

They even tried to trick him by showing him a rarely seen video of him the day he was released from the prison camps and came home.

Their goal... make him say he remembers how scared he was, and how relieved he was to be released... so they can say "This is why we need to bring troops home now!"

1. McCain didn't fall for it. He said he was relieved, but he was proud of what he did, he was proud of what they accomplished and he was proud to have served his country despite what happened.

2. Why don't those 4 naggers GO to Iraq and talk to the soldiers themselves. As the daughter of a late Korean War injured Veteren... I am deeply offended at this line of attack all the time.

How do you think the troops feel, when the VAST MAJORITY of them believe in what they are doing, constantly hear

They're losing
They're fighting a war for nothing
They're dying over there for a lie?

The overwhelming majority of them do NOT feel that way, even those who have come back injured, and have said so many times... and are getting disgusted for being called brainwashed when they do say so. It's disrespectful to what they gave for us!

They called him out on his "faith", Which he handled to cheers (despite the majority of the audience were feminist love of baby killing women.)

Why doesn't anyone ask OBAMA about his constant preaching of faith in God, and Christ saving him (How about his Muslim ties? There is nothing wrong with being a Muslim as long as you are not a Muslim extremist who hates America and our freedoms, so why did he hide for so long that his father and step father were Muslim, and that he went to a Muslim school for 2 years before going to a Catholic school?)

In fact, let's talk about Obama's time on "The View".

They hugged and kissed him sweetly.
They gushed over him before actually asking him questions.
They asked him easy questions and let him speak without speaking over him
They didn't use attacking tones of voices
They asked him if he was handling the "ATTACKS" by the conservatives ok.

Bawbwa even went as far as to call Obama "Sexy" (Yeah, that's professional.)

Speaking of being attacked by the conservatives...

they went as far as to call McCain's ads (which he approved) about Lipstick gate and the 5 year old sex ed... LIES.

So McCain is a liar?

Excuse me while I break this down.

1. Obama chooses his words carefully, he's supposedly such an eloquent speaker. So why did he use the term "Lipstick on a pig" so soon after Palin's comments about Lipstick and pitbulls that became so popular overnight...

and why did he emphasis lipstick... "YOu can put LIPSTICK, on a pig..." Then he paused and waited for laughter and applause, like he was waiting for them to catch the whole lipstick remark before continuing on. If you're going to tell me that's not a cheap shot at palin, then you're as niave as you make yourself out to be.

2. The whole Sex ed thing also wasn't a lie.

Here's the bill that Obama voted FOR!

If you read it in it clearly states...

Each class or course in comprehensive sex education offered in any of grades K 6 through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted
infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV AIDS. Nothing in this Section prohibits instruction in sanitation, hygiene or traditional courses in biology.

So it's ok to teach kidergarteners about sexually transmitted diseases and the prevention and spread of AIDs?? well thank god they at least didn't prohibit the teaching of hygiene as well!!

All public elementary, junior high, and senior high school classes that teach sex education and discuss sexual activity or behavior intercourse

So, tell me again why kindergarten, 1st, 2nd or even 3rd graders need to discuss sexual activity and intercourse?

In otherwords... VIEW...

EDUCATE YOURSELVES before calling someone a liar!!!

It wasn't a lie, this is the exact bill that he voted for. Just because PMSNBC says it isn't so, doesn't mean it's not so.

More to the point.

Do you think they'd have given McCain or his wife the ability to say what topics are off limits without making a big issue of it?

Obama's wife michelle gave them a LIST of off limits subjects... and Elizabeth was attacked for having the audacity to give that information out.

Why? You'd have been praised for outting McCain or his wife for the same behavior.

And why did Obama's wife make things off limits anyway? Nothing was off limits for McCain or his wife. At least they didn't ask anything to be.

And Usually the "Off limits" clause is for CELEBRITIES, not for politicians the American people are trying to get to know and trust.

Why such celebrity treatment for Obama and his wife?

Another thing that got me, was how when McCain was telling the accomplishments of Palin, and stated how she cut out unnecessary costs like the Private Jet... The ever retarded Joy burst in... "Yeah, at a LOSS!"

Classic McCain turned back to her and said "Would you rather have her kept it?!"

She may have sold it at a loss, but at least the money that they did get back went to HELPING HER PEOPLE.

name ONE thing Obama has done to that level. I've asked it a hundred times on various websites. Still waiting.

It was a disgusting display of unprofessionalism. When a person of Barbara's reputation get's to that point where she looks like a spoiled brat... they need to gracefully retire.

That's MY View!

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