Sunday, September 7, 2008

PMSNBC going through "The Change"

Chris Matthews won't be getting tingly over Obama anymore... at least not for MSNBC.

Matthews, and Olbermann (who won "biggest whiner" according to a TMZ poll), are no longer going to be co-anchors of political night coverage with David Gregory.

The news comes after growing criticism over the blatant biased from Matthews, and the constant "Right" bashing from Olbermann that has proven the two can not be seen as neutral during the heat of election coverage.

The height of the decision came after strong complaints about Olbermann's comments about the Republicans using a 9/11 victim tribute video during the convention.

he started by saying if the networks had done that, "we would be rightly eviscerated at all quarters, perhaps by the Republican Party itself, for exploiting the memories of the dead, and perhaps even for trying to evoke that pain again. If you reacted to that videotape the way I did, I apologize."

While Matthews was less criticised for his actions having been harsh on candidates from both sides, he is seen as impartial because of his comments about Obama's speeches. (You mean the whole tingle up the leg thing, and calling the speeches "the New testament" weren't neutral comments?)

NBC News journalists, who often appear on the cable channel, did see a problem, arguing behind the scenes that MSNBC's move to the left - which includes a new show, was tarnishing their reputation for fairness. Tom Brokaw, the interim host of "Meet the Press," said that at times Olbermann and Matthews went too far.

MSNBC did gain a slight boost because of their more liberal outlook, but it remains 3rd in ratings.

For more information on this issue, and for other reasons for the dropping of Olbermann and Matthews visit these news links.

The Washington Post
Associated Press
New York Times

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

This is good news, however, they are going to put David Gregory in charge. Oh Please! As if that is any better! By the way, it was nice to meet you Sunday at the McCain headquarters!