Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Feminists everywhere are buying bras again.

Remember the feminist movement in the 60's where women were casting away their bras high-heeled shoes, false eyelashes, girdles, curlers, hairspray, makeup, corsets, magazines, and other items thought to be "instruments of torture"?

Remember how women fought for equal treatment, to say it's a woman's body it's a woman's choice, how they fight for women to be able to work careers even if they are raising a family. Heck, the men should be Mr. Mom's while women pursue their career despite having kids.

Well, these same women are at Victoria's Secret right now buying their bras, getting their makeup and other instruments of toture back, because the Feminist movement is officially over.

You have someone like Nancy Pelosi with 5 kids working.
You have someone like Michelle Obama with 2 young daughters, working.

You have someone like my friend "Karen", a single mom who gets no child support, holding a career and raising a child with severe food allergies.

You have someone like "Mary" a former co-worker of mine, who was working 2 jobs, and raising a child with autism.

Feminists supported them, praised them, gave them credit for being REAL women.

You have someone like Sarah Palin with 5 kids, one with down syndrome, and a daughter who is pregnant...

and suddenly the feminist movement is over. She should be at home, in the kitchen raising babies while her "MAN", her husband goes to work.

How DARE she have a career when she has 5 kids at home even though they need her. She's the ONLY woman in the WORLD whose kids need her, so she's the ONLY woman in the WORLD who should stay at home with them 24/7 like a good housewife.

How DARE She have a career even though Michelle Obama has a career with her two kids being so young.

How DARE she be offended when asked why she isn't home with her kids... when no one ever asks a MAN like Obama that. no one would DARE ask Obama why he isn't home with his 2 young children being Mr. Mom.

yeah. Feminism is over obviously.

Suddenly the left all agree it's a fair question to ask why she's not in the kitchen being a cute little housewife raising her kids.

It's fair to say she should be a mother before a career woman.

It's fair to tell her husband that he's a wuss for not being the man of the family.

I bet if you asked this of anyone on the left, they'd tell you that you were sexist. and I guarantee you they'd be up in arms if you dared ask Michelle to either be a stay at home mom, or if she doesn't want to be, ask Obama why he's not a stay at home dad since his wife wants to keep her career.

Typical liberalism. Just like anything in the liberal world, feminism is only important when it is convienent.

Because there is a strong, independant, mother with a career who happens to be conservative... suddenly feminism isn't all it's cracked up to be and liberals want to push women back about 100 years.

I'd laugh if it weren't so pitiful.

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