Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama is a liar of the most despicable kind.

Recently Obama released an ad to counter an ad released by Gianna Jensen, a young girl who survived being aborted. Obama said the McCain camps statements about his abortion stance are simply lies.

Hey Obama...

I've seen evidence where you voted against a resolution to protect a viable child born alive after a botched abortion attempt. I've seen evidence where you've supported late-term abortion... period. Nothing to do with a woman's health. Just her choice.

Instead of saying it's a lie... show me PROOF it's a lie and proof that counters everything I've seen that states otherwise.

Although, I can't expect more from a man who released a spanish commercial using a blurb from a 2006 Rush Limbaugh show, so that it sounded like Rush was being racist agaisnt hispanics and telling them to leave the country... when in fact if you listen to the ENTIRE audio... he was actually making a comment about the MEXICAN governement and how they run things.

This man of change who wouldn't resort to smear tactics, false or misleading commercials and attack ads has done nothing BUT.

The only thing Obama has changed about this campaign is his ability to lie with a straight face.

Otherwise this is the same old politics.

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