Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama on the attack, Again.

Shortly after the McCain campaign called for an apology for the obvious reference to Palin's "Lipstick pitbull" Comment... Obama had this to say.

"the controversy is phony and foolish, and it was an innocent remark that was taken out of context."

He claimed the McCain campaign of lies and phony outrage, and swift-boat politics.


Why exactly did he use those particular choice of words... "A pig in lipstick is still a pig" so shortly after Palin's speech?

Liberal spinners are saying it's a very old saying.


Why exactly did he use those particular choice of words NOW? To my knowledge he's never used that phrase before.

And why do I have to keep defending Palin? It seems, once again, the left does not want to stop focusing on her, even though McCain is the presidential nominee, and whatever they may think... he does NOT have one foot in the grave. He's a healthy, young 72 years old. If he takes after his mother, he could live to be a healthy 92 which means he could live 20 more years.

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