Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Generation of Young Republicans

I guess as a (Just turned Happy birthday to me!) 32 year old woman, I am no longer considered a "Young" Republican. (As long as I'm not considered "old" I'm not bitter. lol)

However, I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of new young republicans. People I never would have expected.

When I was getting my dogs groomed at their favorite petstore franchise, I wore my "Proud Republican" t-shirt.

A young guy, probably about 19, 20 years old, came up to me and said "nice shirt." Taking one look at the kid, I thought he was going to go off on me about how Obama is the better choice and I'm racist if I don't vote Obama and blah blah blah.

However he goes on to say "It's about time someone had the guts to stand up to these Libretards! They keep talking... but try to keep us from talking too! Way to stand up for the party! Where did you get that shirt? I'd get one if there are any left!"

A few days later I was standing in line at the bank when a young, 20ish Vietnamese American woman came in. She was wearing a McCain * Palin t-shirt. The Teller, who was probably no more than 18 or 19, asked her where she got it, because she was looking all over for a McCain and Palin shirt.

The woman was so excited to have met another supporter. I spoke up and said that I too was looking for those shirts, but the republican office by me had sold out before I could get one, so I got the Proud Republican shirt instead.

Shortly after another young man, about 20, spoke up that he couldn't find them either, but had the Proud Republican T-Shirt. We all started talking politics and foudn we had a lot of common beliefs and opinions.

I forgot to mention, the young man who joined in the conversation... he was an African-American young man, who is sick of hearing that Obama's ONLY qualification is that he's the first African-American nominee ever.

He said it's racist for liberals to think he should vote for Obama because of the color of Obama's skin. He also said he's more Black than Obama because both of his parents (who are staunch republicans) are black. And it sickens him that they'd use that as a political ploy since Obama has no accomplishments to speak of.

Everyone gave him a "right on", and we all went back to what we were doing.

Not only does it seem a lot of the younger generation is becoming disenfranchised with "the party of the young", but look at what happened.

I struck up a conversation with several complete strangers, all because of supporting McCain. McCain has united more people, including Democrats for McCain, than Obama has.

Obama's own supporters are devided. One, a Rev. Jesse Jackson, obviously can't stand Obama (cause he wants to "cut his nuts off"), yet he's going to support him based on the blackness.

So Obama can't even truly unite his own party.

Yeah, he'll be GREAAAAT for uniting the nation! LOL

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