Saturday, September 6, 2008

More on the Protests

I enjoyed watching footage of the Protests at the Republican National Convention.

All of those, high on Mary Jane... protesting illegally since their license for protest had run out, liberals.

They were fighting against security, yelling and screaming, making a scene, trying to charge into the convention, sneaking in and trying to charge at the stage, fighting with security as they get dragged out...

So, war on terror is inhumane, but trying to attack a presidential candidate is ok as long as he's republican?

It's is inhumane to treat suspected terrorists who want to kill us with anything but kindness, but it is perfectly ok to threaten violence on someone because of differences of political opinion.

They want to give terrorists and enemies of America rights... but say you're a conservative and they want to do all they can to shut you down.

Liberals cry "Freedom of speech", yet they try to pass bills to make it so you can't utter the word "God" or "Christ" in public. (Instead of Christmas, it has to be holiday.)

They want to silence Conservative talk radio. They actually want to introduce a bill that says they either have to give both sides in a favorable light (even if they do not believe in it), or they will be taken off air.

in otherwords, say what we want you to say, or you won't be allowed to say it anymore. Sound like America?

They are afraid of anyone with an opposing view, that the very freedom of speech they cling to when they go off their rockers and start spouting nonsense... they want to take away from others if they do not share the same opinions.

ha. Modern Liberalism is a joke and then some.

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