Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who are the people voting for Obama?

This is why an Obama presidency scares me. Here are the type of people who will vote for him.

Drugged up celebrutards like Lindsay Lohan

Convicted and unrepentant terrirosts like Bill Ayers

White, Jewish and American haters like Ferrahkan and Wright.

People who threaten to start racial riots (Ala Rodney King) if he is not voted president

People who praise the fact that Obama's camp want to help make it legal for convicted felons to vote.

People who praise those who commit ILLEGAL acts by INVADING THE PRIVACY of someone, and plastering it all over the internet. People who criminalize the VICTIM, and sactify the OFFENDERS.

We established a LONG time ago that just because a rape victim wore a short skirt, didn't mean she was asking for it.

The same goes for this case. Just because she has a PRIVATE email account on yahoo does not mean she deserved to be hacked.

There is NO EXCUSE for criminal activity... unless you're a liberal.

Who else will vote for Obama?

Well, for one... definately convicts. Even if they don't get to vote, felons have voted by the thousands in various elections. (Almost always Democrat).

And dead people. One guy who had been dead for almost 20 years voted Kerry last election. Dead voters always seem to vote Democrat too.

This is the liberal mentality. Think like me, act like me, or we'll hurt you.

Liberals talk peace and love while THREATENING those who don't agree with their point of view.

Liberals talk about freedom of speech, all the while trying to take it away from those who oppose them.

The tell tale sign of the liberal mentality...

"Vote... or DIE!"

Even their slogans are guarded threats.


Carolyn said...

My daughter has best friend whose parents love Obama and I don't get it! These are Catholics! How can a Catholic vote Barack (its just tissue) Obama?

anne onee mus said...

That's what I don't get either.

If you were a TRUE catholic... you'd be opposed to abortion in any from.

This man is not only for abortion, but for killing babies BORN ALIVE after a botched partial birth abortion attempt, saying it should be legal to kill them.

A true Catholic would be protesting him, not praising him. Are these what they call "For show Catholics?" The kind of catholics that show up on holidays just to look important?