Saturday, September 6, 2008

Obama the Politician of Change?

During his campaign for his first elected office, Obama's cronies went through the petition signatures of his opponent and disqualified almost every one of them so that Obama could run unopposed.

What were the reasons for signature disqualification?

Printed instead of written in cursive
A woman got married after she registered, and her name changed.

Minor things that were over looked for Obama.


When Obama had a chance to prove he was a man of change and true reform... over 150 times he voted 'present' instead of yes or no. This basically means, "I'm here, but I have no opinion." It is widely believed that he voted this way so that he could not be attacked by either side for voting a certain way, so he would have a better chance of being re-elected. (Win at any cost).


During an interview with Bill O'Reilly, Bill asked him a question, and he'd hem and haw until Bill would give him a hint as to what he wanted to hear from Obama. When Obama finally gave an answer, Bill pressed him for why he answered that way, or why that answer differed from several other things he said in answer to a similar question.

People laugh at poor McCain for being a bad public speaker, you should have heard Obama vocally squirm because Bill had the guts to ask him the tough questions, and make him answer for they why's and how's.


He had dealings with the known slum-lord Rezko. Rezko raised money for Obama's campaign, and in turn, Obama cut Rezko in on tax payer funds.


How is this reform? How is this change? This sounds like the exact same old politics I see year after year, election after election.

Do whatever it takes to get elected
Tell them what they want to hear
Don't do anything to stir the waters so you can get re-elected
Have as little opinion on a key issue as possible to not offend anyone

McCain has said all along that the insurgence would be a success, and is a success. He had been there, he saw it with his own eyes.

Obama said from the get-go it was going to fail. He sounded as if he were hopeful it would fail. When he finally saw it for his own eyes, he wouldn't go as far as to admit it was a success. It wasn't until the Bill O'Reilly interview that he finally admitted the insurgence was working.

McCain has said all along that a time table to bring the troops home was unrealistic.

Obama said he'd bring them home in the first 3 months of his presidency. Then he said he never said he'd bring them home (even though there is video evidence he did), and that he didn't believe in generic time tables. Then Mr. "I don't believe in generic time tables" said he'd bring the troops home in 16 months. He changes the story for what various people want to hear.

Obama - Same old Politics, Different Spin

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