Sunday, September 14, 2008

If you listened to that podcast I linked....

In the previous blog I posted a link to a podcast for a show called "The Weekend with Mike McConnell". The first caller was a moron who kept going on and on about how McCain can't be a good president because he can't text.

Guess what a-hole...

That recent train wreck that killed 25 people...

It is now said the wreck happened because the engineer red a red signal that he didn't see. Why


Maybe, like the moron said, texting is the most popular form of communicating over picking up the phone and calling...

but it doesn't really work if you're ON THE JOB... thus you don't need to know how to text to be president.

Pwned moron!!


Carolyn said...

I heard that McCain has trouble using the computer due to his war injuries. Maybe this is erroneous information, but it sounds logical. Wouldn't it just be like the left to make fun of a guy for this?

anne onee mus said...

According to records his hands were broken during various torture treatments, there's even a picture of him in hanoi where you can see his hand is mangled.

Of course it would be just like the left to attack Mccain because of this. I mean, my god... so what? He can't type or text. Neither can my mom but she is smarter than anyone I know on the left.

Not to mention, isn't it lefties who want cellphone use banned when driving, or walking, and blah blah. Now the demand the president be able to text and email??

God forbid he should pick up the phone and CALL someone or talk to them face to face!!

Can you imagine the president doing this...

Brk muh man...OMG did u c ORly 2day? LOL! man wz tripin! ROTFL

really presidential.