Saturday, September 6, 2008

Holy Obama, we pray to thee

Wow... the left is really going a bit too far these days.

Many on the left are comparing Obama to Christ... (seriously too, not just as a joke.)

Even though the left is generally not tollerant of christianity... they believe Obama is as close to Christ as one can get.

Chris Mathews of PMSNBC went as far as to call one of Obama's speeches "the new testiment".

They are comparing this man to Christ?

This man who not only voted to legalize late term abortion, but voted to make it legal to smother a child who lives after abortion, to death?

I don't know about you... but if a child is breathing, and crying OUTSIDE of the mother's womb... I think that child is a living, breating human being.

You can argue "it's a woman's body, it's a woman's choice..." But what about when it is outside of the woman? Isn't her choice over at that point?

Isn't it illegal to kill a child? Don't mothers who give birth then leave their child to die get charged with a crime?

You can argue that when the baby is inside of the woman's stomach it is her choice if that is what you believe, but you have to agree that once it is born, if it is born alive it is a living human being.

So to smother it to death would be murder.

Now, I'm not a religious scholar... but wasn't Christ against murder? Isn't that one of the mortal sins?

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