Monday, September 22, 2008

Once again, WHY is Obama the "better" candidate?

No one, to this date, on like 10 sites I've been to, can answer this question for me.

Exactly how is Obama going to be less of the same? Without talking about how handsome he is and what a good speaker is, or going into personal attacks about Palin or McCain, belittling them personally just because you don't like them politically (even though they can't come up with solid evidence as to why)

How EXACTLY is Obama the better choice. What EXACTLY has he done to prove this?

1. He has no accomplishments anyone can mention
2. he voted "present" over 130x because yes or no was too hard
3. he missed MORE votes in 3 years than McCain missed in 21.
4. Mr "for the poor" voted to RAISE the taxes of those making $35,000 or more annually. My parents made $86,000 annually, so they would have had their taxes raised had Obama gotten his way. With 3 kids, taxes, gas, oil, cars, car payments, house payments, groceries, clothes, education, we didn't live the high life. Can you imagine if Obama got the raise he wanted?
5. he voted NO to a gas tax relief during the summer that McCain and Clinton pushed for... in fact, his demo friends tried to find a way to raise the tax by an extra 10cents from 18.4 to 28.4
6. He was the 2nd highest paid partisan from the 200mil Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac gave out. The top 3 being Dodd, Obama and Kerry.
7. His stance on abortion, whether you agreed with him then, now or never, is constantly lightening so he won't lose votes.
8. He has the highest percentage of attack ads, and misleading or untruthful commercials, something he said as a man of "Change" he wouldn't resort to.
9. He blatanly misled spanish speaking Americans with his spanish ad... proven to be a fabrication, as if spanish speaking Americans are idiots.
10. He and his supporters keep playing the race card TRYING to make it an issue when it isn't.
11. His supporters can't name any accomplishments other than one kid who said "he's the first black senator". Um. one, being black isn't an accomplishment, it's a birth right and two... Hiram Revels of Mississippi was the first black senator. (And this kid is of voting age. yikes.)

So how exactly is Obama going to be a man of change in the white house? The only thing he's going to change is from what he promised you, to what he feels like doing now that he's in charge.

Like I said, no one on about 15 different sites, plus this blog, has yet to answer me this question

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