Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rush Limbaugh calls out independents!

There was a caller on the Rush Limbaugh show today.

These were his arguments about Sarah Palin.

"Notice she's not wearing lipstick on the campaign trail now. That says something." (What, that you're a moron?)

"Obama got it right when he made the fish comment, you can wrap a fish up but it will still smell. That's Sarah Palin... A smelly fish." (Wow, sticks and stones my friend.)

When Rush called him out on that he basically said...

"You're talking about a woman who can't put together 2 coherent sentences on how the GOP is going to change for America."

this, about a woman who didn't bat an eye when her teleprompter went out, and just kept going as if she didn't even need it...

this is being said about her by the supporter of a very eloquent speaker who turns into a jiggery mess, stuttering worse than an old car with a fading battery when faced with tough questions he doesn't have pre-written answers to.

Are you serious?

And if we're going to talk about putting together 2 coherent sentences about what the GOP is going to do... again, no liberal has left me a message to my question about what accomplishments Obama has made, and what change he's been proving. This man who runs attack ads when he said he wouldn't, voted to raise taxes of lower middle class when he said he wouldn't, who got his cronies to disqualify his first ever running opponent so he could run unopposed which is typical politics.

no one has answered me that yet... and this guy goes off on Palin whose done nothing BUT talk about change and actual progress?

Rush called him out on how stupid liberals make themselves sound and he blurts out... "Shows what you know, I'm independent."

Rush laughs and basically says (not an exact quote because I can't remember it word for word) but basically...

"What's the difference? The only difference between a liberal and an independent like you is that an independent is too stupid to have the guts to admit they're liberal."

Way to call him out Rush!!

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